How To Know My Frame Size

Option 1: By Existing Frame

Take your existing frames which perfectly fits you, the numbers on the inside of the temple/arm of your eyeglasses are the frame measurements. From left to right, these eyeglass measurements appear in the following order:

• (1) Lens width • (2) Bridge width • (3) Temple length

Sometimes a fourth number will be noted on the arms, which is your lens height. Keep in mind that all of these measurements are in millimeters.

Converting measurements to glasses size once you know the measurements of your current glasses, you can easily convert those to sizes -small, medium and large. To do that just add lens width + bridge width.

For example, if measurements are 51□19   144 we can add lens width 51 and bridge width 19 to get 70. Then we consult the table below to know what our size would be.

Convert measurements to size











All frame measurements can be found in the Details Tab on our product pages.

Option 2:  By Frame Width

This measurement is not printed on the temple of your glasses. To find it, take your measuring tape and measure horizontally across the front of your frames, including any hinges or design features that stick out on the sides.



A frame that is too narrow will make your face look wider, while a frame that is too wide will make your face look narrower. This is one of the most important factors in finding a pair of glasses that fits well. Find a frame that is slightly wider than your face — no more than a finger width between the temple and your face. Any wider is a sign your frames are too wide.

Then we consult the table below to know what our size would be.

Convert measurements to size













Option 3:  By Credit Card


The size of a credit card in height is approximately the same as the width of a medium size glasses lenses. Below are instructions on how to find your glasses size by using credit card as measuring device.