
How to spot the correct side of Contact Lens

Firstly, its important to know contact lenses cannot be worn both sides or inside out. There is only one correct side.

Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and dry them with a clean, lint-free towel before handling contact lenses.

Side look

Contact lens curver upwards versus inside out

  1. Find a well-lit area and put your contact lens on the tip of your finger, so that the edges are pointing upwards.
  2. Bring your finger down to eye level.
  3. Look at your lens. If the sides are rolled along the edge or folded up, then they’re inside out.

Side view of a contact lens on a finger

The ‘taco’ test.

Contact lens between fingers

  1. Hold a lens near its center, between the tips of your forefinger and thumb.
  2. Gently squeeze the lens as if you were trying to fold it in half.
  3. While squeezing, look at the edge of the lens. If it’s pointing upwards, or if the edges appear to meet, then the lens is the correct way around. If it bends outwards towards your finger and thumb, then the lens is inside out.

The pictures are for clear understanding you won't get such clear impressions, but when compared to both the sides you will definitely spot the difference.