Lens Type
Contact Lenses lens type multifocal/bifocal
With 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST Brand MULTIFOCAL Contact Lenses you’ll experience clear vision — near, ..
Aspire™ GO MAX multifocalIf you’re health-conscious, over 40 and noticing changes in your near ..
Clear, comfortable vision across all distances. You are constantly changing where you are looki..
Clariti 1 day multifocal from CooperVision lets you enjoy all the convenience of a daily dispos..
CooperVision Clariti multifocal lenses incorporate the right balance of oxygen transmissibility..
The Bausch & Lomb PureVision® family of contact lenses is made from balafilcon A, an innovat..
Discover the daily disposable contact lens for presbyopia that daily disposable contact lens users h..
₹ 2,950
Bausch + Lomb SofLens Multi-Focal contact lenses enable you to see well at all distances. ..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 pages)